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Making of jade articles

  1. Cutting the material apart

    Inspect the surface of the material and try to find the defects. Cut one block apart and learn about its inside. Remove the defects and then cut the rest into maximum blanks of different sizes in accordance with its texture and tissue. In case of Shanzi carving, carve along the shape of the material without cutting it apart.

  2. Carving

    There are three stages: making rough blanks, making fine blanks and carving. Besides, techniques differ when dealing with vases and incenses, flowers and birds, or figure jade articles.

  3. Polishing

    Use sealing wax wheels or leather wheels. (In the 60s, Xinshan jade articles were polished with bamboo or camphor wood wheels.) The articles should be polished to be smooth and glittering while particular ones are required to be crystal translucent after polishing. Then clean the products for waxing (Xiangnan products should be soaked in oil instead). The method of waxing is to heat the products before applying the wax.

  4. Attaching pedestals

    As required by customers, jade articles should have rosewood pedestals to go with them. Design the decoration pattern of the pedestal according to the theme of the article. Then rub it smooth and inscribe the name on the pedestal. The final step is glazing.


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