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The Popular Zone


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Product Code
YZ 2-001
Two Horese(Span)
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-002
Dan Feng Chao Yang (The phoenix looks towards the Sun)
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-003
Flower and Bird
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-004
Flower and Bird
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-005
A Couple of cranes
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-006
San Yang Kai Tai (Spring comes after Winter, three positive forces begin prosperity - the new year brings a renewal & a change of fortune)
Light green Aventurine
YZ 2-007
San Yang Kai Tai (Spring comes after Winter, three positive forces begin prosperity - the new year brings a renewal & a change of fortune)
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-008
Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-009
Hua Xiuyan Jade
YZ 2-010
Xiuyan Jade

Contact Address: Luxun Mansion 12 Fl./Suite G, 568 Ou Yang Road, Shanghai 200081 P.R.China
Contact Telephone: 86-21-5671 9141, 5671 9142, 5666 6357
Contact Fax: 86-21- 5671 9140

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